
Xacrel (Ocrelizumab) for Multiple Sclerosis

Xacrel (Ocrelizumab) is a humanized monoclonal antibody that targets and removes CD20 positive B lymphocytes which contribute to nerve damage in MS. When these targeted B cells are removed, inflammation is reduced and the chance of other nerve cells being affected is lessened.

What is Xacrel used to treat?

It is used to treat adults with:

  • Relapsing forms of multiple sclerosis (RMS)
  • Primary progressive multiple sclerosis (PPMS)

Who should not take Xacrel?

You must not be given Xacrel if you:

  • Are allergic to ocrelizumab or any of the other ingredients of this medicine.
  • Currently have an infection
  • Have been told that you have severe problems with your immune system
  • Have cancer

What should I tell my doctor before using Xacrel?

Talk to your doctor before you are given Xacrel if you:

  • Have an infection.
  • Are you a carrier of the hepatitis B virus or have ever had hepatitis B.
  • Have cancer or if you have had cancer in the past.
  • Have an autoimmune disease.
  • Take medicines that affect the immune system.
  • Take medicines for high blood pressure.
  • are pregnant or planning to become pregnant.
  • are breastfeeding or planning to breastfeed.

What should I know during treatment with Xacrel?

Tell your doctor straight away if:

  • You have any of these signs of infection during or after Xacrel treatment:
    • Fever or chills
    • Cough that does not go away
    • Herpes (such as cold sore, shingles or genital sores).
  • You think your MS is getting worse or you notice any new symptoms.
  • Signs like trouble thinking, difficulty walking, memory lapses, sight loss, or changes in the way of talking, occur.

How to Use Xacrel?

Xacrel will be given to you by an experienced doctor as a drip (intra-venous infusion). They will watch you closely for any side effects while you are being given this medicine and for one hour after it is finished.

What are the possible side effects of Xacrel?

Like all medicines, this medicine can cause side effects, although not everybody gets them.

  • Infusion-related reactions: are the most common side effects. Symptoms may include:
    • itchy skin
    • rash
    • hives
    • redness of the skin
    • throat irritation or pain
    • shortness of breath
    • swelling of the throat
    • flushing
    • low blood pressure
    • fever
    • feeling tired
    • headache
    • feeling dizzy
    • feeling sick (nausea)
    • fast heartbeat.
  • Infections: Including: upper and lower respiratory tract infections, infection of the stomach and bowel (gastroenteritis) viral infections like Herpes (cold sore or shingles) and skin infection (cellulitis).
  • Tell your doctor or nurse straight away if you notice any sign of infection like chills or fever or, cough which does not go away, herpes (such as shingles, cold sore and genital sores).

How to store Xacrel?

  • This medicine is to be stored in a refrigerator (2ºC – 8ºC). It is not to be frozen.
  • The vials should be kept in the outer carton to protect them from light.
  • Xacrel must be diluted before it is given to you and should be used immediately after dilution. If not used immediately, in-use storage times and conditions would normally not be longer than 24 hours at 2°C – 8°C and subsequently 8 hours at room temperature.
  • It should not be used after the expiry date.
  • This medicine is to be kept out of reach of children.