Skincare Active Ingredients

Boroline for skin

Boroline is an over-the-counter multipurpose cream in India. It is made to treat dry skin.

What does Boroline contain?

The 3 main ingredients that makeup boroline are boric acid, lanolin, and zinc oxide.

Boric acid (1%):

  • It is Antiseptic: boric acid can reduce the chances of infections.
  • It has been used in creams, eye/ear drops, powders, and vaginal washes.
  • It is Bacteriostatic (prevents the growth of bacteria) and Fungistatic (prevents the growth of fungi).
  • Boric acid can absorb only a little through intact skin.

Caution when using Boric acid:

  • Boric acid is well absorbed through comprised skin such as burn wounds or skin with damaged skin barrier.
  • Boric acid toxicity is a well-known occurrence, so it’s better to not use it over larger surface areas or in infants with severe eczema.


  • Lanolin is a wax produced by the sebaceous glands of sheep. It functions similarly to the sebum produced by the sebaceous glands of humans.
  • It is used in skincare as a moisturizer to treat dry skin. It can form a semi-permeable film over the skin, this helps to decrease transepidermal water loss.
  • Lanolin is obtained by washing the sheep’s wool. After that, it undergoes centrifugation to separate lanolin from the dirt, wool, etc. Sheeps are not harmed in this process.

Caution when using Lanolin:

  • It can cause allergic dermatitis in some people.

Zinc oxide (3.1%):

  • It is a physical sunscreen filter and can protect the skin from both UVA and UVB radiation.
  • It has soothing and anti-pruritic(can help with itching) properties. So, it’s useful in treating itchy skin conditions and is also found in calamine lotions.

Caution when using Zinc oxide:

Make sure you don’t use boroline as a substitute for sunscreen. The zinc oxide present in boroline is too little to provide any protection against sun damage.

Boroline’s claim:

  • It helps with chapped lips.
  • Heals wounds and cuts.
  • Soften elbows, and helps with cracked heels.
  • Boric acid can also prevent infections of the fissured heels.
  • It can be used in babies to relieve diaper rash.
  • It can be used tp treat cracked and sore nipples

Is it safe to use Boroline?

  • Cases of boric acid toxicity have been reported from using creams, powders, or following ingestion of boric acid.
  • Boric acid can easily get absorbed through comprised skin or damaged skin barrier and it slowly gets eliminated by the kidney which could lead to toxicity, especially when used at higher concentrations and over large surface areas.
  • Because of this toxicity, boric acid is not often used as an over-the-product.
  • As boroline has low levels of boric acid, the risk of toxicity from using boroline is low, especially when using it over small areas such as the lips, heels, or small/cut superficial burn wounds.

Avoid Boroline in the following situations:

  • Do not use boroline for premature babies, and newborns as it can absorb a lot into the skin.
  • Infants <1 year with large areas of injuries or burn wounds.
  • If you have any allergies to lanolin.
  • Individuals with leg eczema should avoid boroline as they are more prone to be allergic to lanolin.

Frequently asked questions:

Can I use Boroline for fungal infections?

No, you shouldn’t use boroline for fungal infections. It won’t work and will be ineffective.

Can we use Boroline on private parts?

No, you shouldn’t use boroline on private parts. The cream is not made for that purpose, it is made to treat dry skin