Plant and Herbs

  • Plant and Herbs

    Gardenia Florida Flower Extract for Skin and Body

    Gardenia Florida Flower Extract has been traditionally used as a folk medicine for centuries in Asian countries. What are the benefits of using Gardenia Florida Flower Extract? Antioxidant activity: it has antioxidant properties that can scavenge free radicals and thus reduce oxidative stress and aging. Anti-inflammatory activity: it also has anti-inflammatory properties that can calm red and inflamed skin. Hepatoprotective activity: it can prevent liver injury caused by hepatotoxic agents. Anti-diabetic activity: Gardenia Florida Flower Extract has been used alone or in combination with other herb medicines in the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus in China for a long time. It also has neuroprotective and antitumor activity. Who all…

  • Plant and Herbs

    Fructus Broussonetiae for Skin, Body, and Health

    Fructus Broussonetiae is a medicinal herb that is commonly used in Traditional Chinese Medicine. What are the benefits of Fructus Broussonetiae? It helps to treat liver and kidney Yin deficiencies with a weak lower back and legs, Deficiency consumption, night sweats, spermatorrhea, steaming bone disorder, and lightheadedness. It may help with eye problems. Fructus Broussonetiae can improve cognitive function following chronic cerebral hypoperfusion by inhibiting microglial M1 polarization, down-regulating the activation of microglia, and improving neural plasticity. The Chushizi oil of Fructus Broussonetiae has a powerful antioxidant with versatile free radical-scavenging activity and anti-inflammatory properties. It may help to treat edema and urinary difficulty due to the stoppage of water associated with kidney Qi dysfunction.…

  • Plant and Herbs

    Fructus Leonuri for Body and Health

    Fructus Leonuri is a common medicinal herb in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), and has been used in China and other Asian countries for thousands of years. What are the benefits of Fructus Leonuri? It helps to treat irregular menstruation, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, or postpartum abdominal pain due to blood stasis. It may help to treat painful eyes, headaches or red swollen, nebulae, or conjunctivitis due to liver heat. It helps to treat pterygium. Contraindications Contraindicated for those with continuous bleeding. Contraindicated during pregnancy. Contraindicated for those with liver stagnation due to liver blood deficiency. If over 20-30g of this herb are ingested toxic reactions may appear. Important Note: There is not…

  • Plant and Herbs

    Folium Hibsci Mutabilis for Skin and Body

    Folium Hibsci Mutabilis was one of the traditional Chinese medicines. Its main chemical ingredients contain phenols, amino acids, glycosides, and sugar, phlegmatic What are the benefits of using Folium Hibsci Mutabilis? It helps to treat dermatological disorders characterized by dampness, heat, and toxins. It helps to treat carbuncles, furuncles, and sores. It may help to treat herpes zoster and conjunctivitis. It has anti-inflammatory properties that can help with swelling. It helps to treat burns, scalds, and external and internal trauma. This herb may inhibit the growth of cancer cells. It is applied topically to treat pyogenic infections. Contraindications Contraindicated for those with deep-seated abscess without redness or swelling. Important Note: There…

  • Plant and Herbs

    Fructus Gardeniae for Body and Health

    Fructus Gardeniae is one of the most commonly used Chinese herbs in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). It is usually prescribed for the treatment of vascular aging, brain aging, bone and joint aging, and other age-related diseases. What are the Benefits of Fructus Gardeniae? It may help to treat excess heat in the heart, stomach, and liver with high fever, a stifling sensation in the chest insomnia or delirious speech, irritability, restlessness, eye problems, anger, and jaundice. It may help to treat damp-heat in the lower jiao with painful urinary dysfunction. It may help to treat damp-heat in the liver/gallbladder with jaundice. It may help to treat damp-heat in the gallbladder and San Jiao channels…

  • Plant and Herbs

    Rhizoma Polygonati for Body and Health

    Rhizoma Polygonati is a medicinal herb used as a component of traditional Chinese medicine in treating COVID-19. What are the benefits of using Rhizoma Polygonati? It may help with spleen and stomach Qi deficiency with lassitude, fatigue, and loss of appetite. It may help with stomach Yin deficiency with a loss of appetite, loss of taste, dry mouth, dry stools, and abdominal distention due to Qi stagnation. It may help with lung Qi and Yin deficiency with a little sputum, dry cough, and cough due to consumption. It may help with kidney Yin and Jing deficiency with light-headedness, lower back pain, and weakness of the lower extremities. Contraindications Contraindicated for those with excessive dampness. Contraindicated for those with diarrhea due to cold. Shouldn’t be used…

  • Plant and Herbs

    Rhizoma Curculiginis for Body and Health

    Rhizoma Curculiginis, commonly known as Curculigo, Golden Eye-Grass Rhizome, and Common Curculigo Rhizome is a Chinese herb used in traditional Chinese medicine. What are the benefits of using Rhizoma Curculiginis? It tonifies the kidneys and strengthens Yang. It may help with spleen and kidney Yang deficiency, urinary incontinence, impotence, nocturnal emissions, and irregular menstruation. It may help with infertility from either a cold womb or cold essence. It expels cold and eliminates dampness. It strengthens the bones, lower back, knee pain, and sinews. Contraindications Contraindicated for those with Yin deficiency with heat signs. Contraindicated for those with excess heat signs. Contraindicated during pregnancy. Do not use it for a long time. Do not store it in…

  • Plant and Herbs

    Fructus Hordei Germinatus for Body and Health

    Fructus Hordei Germinatus, commonly known as Barley Sprouts and Malt is a kind of herb germinating from barley. What are the benefits of using Fructus Hordei Germinatus? Reduces food stagnation, strengthens the stomach, and improves digestion: it helps to reduce food stagnation due to undigested starchy foods or grains and all types of fruit, poorly digested milk in infants, and food stagnation due to spleen Qi deficiency with weak digestion and anorexia. Inhibits lactation: in large doses, Fructus Hordei Germinatus can reduce milk flow and in small doses, it promotes milk flow. Facilitates the smooth flow of liver Qi: with a stifling sensation or distention in the epigastrium or ribs, belching, and anorexia Treating…

  • Plant and Herbs

    Ramulus Cinnamomi for Skin, Body, and Health

    Ramulus Cinnamomi, commonly known as Cinnamon Twig and Cassia Twig is a traditional Chinese herb used to treat inflammation based on its purgative, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, and antineoplastic activities. What are the benefits of using Ramulus Cinnamomi? It may help to treat edema due to cold phlegm or Yang Qi deficiency with dizziness, urinary dysfunction, and palpitations. It may help to treat palpitations due to Yang obstruction in the chest due to deficiency or stagnation. It may help with upward movement of phlegm and thin mucus and disorderly descent of lung Qi with chest and back pain, shortness of breath, and palpitations. It is anti-inflammatory and therefore is superior in treating wind-heat and dampness or when itching is…

  • Plant and Herbs

    Rhizoma Smilacis Glabrae for Skin and Body

    Rhizoma Smilacis Glabrae, commonly known as Smooth Greenbriar Rhizome, Glabrous Greenbriar Rhizome, China Root, and Smilax is a Chinese herb that is used in that widely used for detoxication, relieving dampness and diuretic. What are the benefits of using Rhizoma Smilacis Glabrae? It relieves toxicity and eliminates dampness. It may help to treat jaundice and joint pain. It may help to clear damp-heat from the skin (like recurrent ulcers or other hot skin lesions). It may help to promote normal urination (reduce burning, and painful urination). This herb may neutralize mercury poisoning. It is excellent for treating syphilis, especially in the secondary and tertiary stages. One source says that this herb…